Sweat with Melissa - Pilates Classes and Workouts

The Pilates Mat Class and Online workouts subscription provide you with an ever growing library of Pilates classes PLUS strength training workouts.


About Melissa

  • Melissa Nagai
    PMA CPT, ACE PT, BCRPA Group Fitness & Pilates, DVRT 1 & 2, HKC, FMS Level 1

Melissa Nagai began her career in Fitness in the early 1990’s, teaching high energy aerobics, weight training, and spin classes for many years before she discovered Pilates. Ongoing education and training in both Pilates and Fitness brought Melissa to where she is today holding certifications as a Pilates Teacher, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor plus in Kettlebell and Ultimate Sandbag training. Melissa credits studying and practicing Pilates with changing the way she personally approaches fitness as well as how she trains her clients. She believes that it is very important to find a balance in the physical fitness activities that you are doing so that you are able to continue on with the activities that you enjoy for many years to come.

Why Join

Our Pilates Mat Class Subscription gives you great workouts so you can find and feel the deep core work, plus you will increase both your mobility and flexibility which will help you to move with ease.

Our full-body workouts include a warm-up video and then a circuit of exercises with informative videos showing you how to perform each exercise. You can complete each circuit one to 4 times depending on the time you have available in your schedule. These workouts can be done on the same day as a pilates workout or on an opposing day.


About Melissa

  • Melissa Nagai
    PMA CPT, ACE PT, BCRPA Group Fitness & Pilates, DVRT 1 & 2, HKC, FMS Level 1

Melissa Nagai began her career in Fitness in the early 1990’s, teaching high energy aerobics, weight training, and spin classes for many years before she discovered Pilates. Ongoing education and training in both Pilates and Fitness brought Melissa to where she is today holding certifications as a Pilates Teacher, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor plus in Kettlebell and Ultimate Sandbag training. Melissa credits studying and practicing Pilates with changing the way she personally approaches fitness as well as how she trains her clients. She believes that it is very important to find a balance in the physical fitness activities that you are doing so that you are able to continue on with the activities that you enjoy for many years to come.